Sunday, July 10, 2011

Miraculous Blooms

In 1978, my dad gave my mom a hoya plant for her very first Mother's Day.  Of course at the time, it was in bloom and did bloom one other time after that, but that was well over 20 years ago.  My mom would often tell me how unique and beautiful the flowers were and was always hopeful for the plant to bloom... yet the blooms never came.  Finally, in April of this year, she decided to give the plant one last chance at blooming.  She read up on the best light and care and let us all know that if the plant did not bloom by Mother's Day this year, the plant would be "replaced."  Guess what? Just before Mother's Day this year (April 20th), she called me up to tell me that she spied that start of one bloom.  Soon, more starts began to appear and just recently, they have come out into a full bloom.

Here is a close-up of one of the first stages of the bloom...

then they form into these pink stars that eventually peel back to reveal...

the full bloom!

My mom gave me an off-shoot of her plant a while back... now the pressure's on to see if we can get it to bloom!

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